Katowice -a good place to live, work and invest

These are the conclusions of the latest data published by the Statistical Office in Katowice. Despite the unstable economic and epidemiologic situation, the number of registered unemployed people in the Silesian Voivodship decreased not only annually (by 9.5%) but also monthly (by 3.1%). The registered unemployment rate amounted to 4.4% and was lower than at the end of October last year and lower than at the end of September this year. Katowice has long maintained a consistently low unemployment rate of 1.8%. This result is more than twice as low as in Silesia and almost 3 times lower than on a national scale.

In Silesia compared to October 2020, gross wages in the business sector increased by 7.1%. It is another economic indicator distinguishing Katowice in comparison to the whole country. In October it amounted 6,463 PLN, which significantly exceeds the average for the voivodeship (5,800 PLN) and the whole Poland (5,917 PLN). Average salary increase was recorded in most industries such as: trade, media providers and information and communication.

At the end of the Q3 in comparison to the previous year, the percentage of entities indicating the COVID-19 pandemic as a factor causing significant changes in running their business had declined. As of October 31 this year, there were more (by 2.9%) national economy entities registered in the REGON register than in the previous year. There were 51,200 entities registered in Katowice, out of which over 29,000 were individuals conducting business activity.

The average salary increase brings more propensity for new investments. This year 5.8% more housing units were completed than in the same period last year. In the period from January to October, investors in Katowice handed over the largest number of apartments – 2,063.

This year the basic financial results obtained by the surveyed companies were more favorable than in the same period last year. The enterprises achieved higher revenues, gross financial result and net financial result. The basic economic and financial indicators have also improved.


1. Komunikat o sytuacji społeczno-gospodarczej województwa śląskiego w październiku 2021 r.

2. Biuletyn statystyczny województwa śląskiego 2021 (III kwartał 2021).

Photo: Radosław Kaźmierczak

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