Katowice at MIPIM 2025 – Let’s Meet in Cannes!

In March, Cannes will once again become the global centre of the real estate market! This is a unique opportunity to talk about the future of cities, new projects and investment trends.

“Katowice is a city that is developing dynamically and consistently strengthening its position on the economic map of Central Europe. Participation in MIPIM is …

Registration for the 12th edition of the Corporate Readiness Certificate program has started today. This time, the CRC syllabus is in a different form. We really hope that our offer this year will be very popular among students!
Link to syllabus:https://www.canva.com/design/DAGTDiK3mI0/Y8XYIYhOOoddoO47OBYNPw/edit?utm_content=DAGTDiK3mI0&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
Link to CRC website:https://crc-instagram.my.canva.site/program-crc-pl

Knight Frank report Q3 2024

Katowice with resources of over 752,000 sq m has 6% of the total office resources in Poland. Demand for renting office space in the city increased slightly in Q3, with the number of leased space amounting to 35,000 sq m.
As developers are implementing their projects, the area under construction amounts to over 51,000 sq m. …

16th European Economic Congress. Registrations have started!

16th European Economic Congress. Registrations have started!

“Transform today, change tomorrow. “Transformation for the future” is the slogan of this year’s 16th European Economic Congress, the largest business event in Central Europe.
We would like to cordially invite you to the International Congress Center and Spodek in Katowice on 7-9 May.
This year in an improved formula of presentations, increased space dedicated to the …

Welcome to the world of DAZN

DAZN Media Poland is the Polish branch of DAZN Group – a company offering live and on-demand sports streaming services. That’s over 40 different sports in 200 markets for millions of users.
The platform offers over 800 sports events a year. DAZN subscribers can watch live, among others, football competitions in the best leagues in …

Gaming and technology hub: Part II

The results of the competition for the architectural concept for the 2. phase of the Gaming and Technology Hub were announced. Out of the 5 submitted projects, the competition jury selected three. They assessed the complex architectural and urban concepts, the criteria being: architectural and spatial solutions, operational values, as well as the pro-ecological solutions.
The …